already_existing = This file already exists! Overwrite?
user_already_changes = You cannot create a new document with this name, because another user has changed it
register_thank_you = Thank you for registering!
edited_crashed = You edited this document last time, but the program crashed. Document has been restored!
user_already_edits = User %s already edits this document (%s).\n 1. Wait several minutes and press Retry button to open the document\n2. Press Cancel button to open the document in Read-Only mode\n
trial_expired = Trial expired! Would you like to register this program?
trial_expired_download_new = You may download new version of Secure Notes Organizer from to continue evaluating the program. Would you like to visit this site to obtain information about new versions?
you_have_left = You have only %d day(s) and %d execution(s) left!\n\nYou have to buy a license(s) to use this software
you_have_left_title = You have %d day(s) and %d execution(s) left
please_buy_license = You are using an unregistered version of this software. Please buy a license for continued use
remove_item = Remove shortcut
rename_item = Rename shortcut
cant_run_calculator = Can't run Windows` calculator
cant_run_charmap = Can't run Windows` charmap
cant_run_notepad = Can't run notepad
cant_load_file = Can't load file
you_want_delete_item = Do you really want to delete this leaf?
you_want_delete_folder = Do you really want to delete this folder?
you_want_exit = Do you really want to exit?
save_changes = Document has been changed. Would you like to save changes?
document_saved = Document has been saved
information = Information
Autocalendar_exists = The Autocalendar Folder is already here!
cant_save = Can't save document
cant_load = Can't load file
cant_open_file = Can't open %s
document_is_saving = Document is being saved now...
cant_save_file = Can't save memoirs' file %s
document_saved = Document has been saved
document_is_crypted = Document is being encrypted...
document_encrypted = Document has been encrypted successfully
password_error = Incorrect password. Enter a correct password to continue operation
document_decrypted = Document has been decrypted successfully
cant_decrypt = It is impossible to decrypt this file with this password
cant_write_to = "Can't write to "
cant_read_from = "Cant read from "
cant_compress = Can't compress this
cant_decompress = Can't decompress
cant_read = Can't read file
big_error = Fatal error during encryption has occurred. Try to solve this problem and save again
security_danger = Danger for your security
document_doesnt_req = Document does not require saving
error = Error!
options = Options
select_folder = Choose folder, please
;toolbars messages
16006 = Menu Bar
16103 = Customize
16110 = All Commands
16014 = New Menu
16105 = Close
; Dialogs section
;now '\n' symbol means line break (new line)
title = About Secure Notes Organizer
1222 = Registered To:
title = Evaluation dialog
1189 = Thank you for trying Secure Notes Organizer!\nThis is an evaluation copy of the program.\nThe registered version has no nag screens and trial limitations.
1223 = I understand that I may evaluate this program for 30 days only and that any other use requires purchase of a license
1 = OK (I Agree)
5929 = OK (I Agree)
5928 = OK (I Agree)
32814 = Register Now!
32813 = Unlock
button = Press button N%d from the left
BadOK = You've pressed invalid OK button
5931 =
title = Registration
1225 = Enter the license information you have from SecureAction Research
1226 = Licensed to:
1227 = License file location:
5931 = Order Secure Notes Organizer online on secure server!
1221 = Choose e-commerce service to register Secure Notes Organizer online:
1227 = Site licenses and Business licenses are available at: \n
1 = Cancel
title = Register Secure Notes Organizer
1189 = You can register Secure Notes Organizer either online with your credit card or offline with credit card or money order at a cost of $29.95
1043 = Register online
1227 = This is the fastest and easiest way. It will take you to a RegNow or RegSoft secure web site to place your order.
1044 = Register offline
1228 = This will open a local registration form in Notepad. You can place your order via FAX, e-mail, or TOLL-FREE voice with a credit card or a check by filling in and printing this form.
1233 = Register
2 = Cancel
1232 = More info...
;please do not change this
moreinfofile = order.txt
title = Away mode activated. Enter password...
1133 = You must enter a password to open a program
5927 = &Cancel
1 = OK
1221 = AWAY MODE
incorrect_password = You've entered an incorrect password. You can't unlock SoftProtection and open the program window
title = Shred
1091 = &Destroy It!
1101 = &Change Dir...
1 = &Close
files_was_demolited = This file was successfully shredded
warning_file_will_be_demolited = Warning! The file '%s' will be irretrievably lost! (Even Norton UnErase won't recover this file)! Are you sure?
title = Inserting date into the autocalendar
1185 = Date picker
1 = OK
2 = &Cancel
title = Away Status
1219 = Password and Encryption
1217 = Away Mode
1218 = Extended Away Mode
1012 = I never go away from my computer
1170 = Minimize to tray after
1172 = minutes of inactivity
1173 = Ask password after
1174 = minutes of inactivity
1175 = Password:
1013 = Do not unload my document even when I do not use computer for a long time (Extended away)
1177 = Unload document and ask password after
1178 = minutes of my inactivity
1014 = Do not protect my document by password
1087 = Password
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
5928 = Help
passwords_arent_equal = Your second password must match the first password!
you_must_specify_soft_password = You must specify the password for Away Mode
title = Encryption
1100 = GO!
1131 = Work Mode:
1108 = Encryption
1109 = Decryption
1132 = Settings
1133 = Password
1110 = Confirmation
1111 = Riddle:
1113 = Output file
1134 = Destination of the source file
1105 = Leave it alone
1106 = Delete it
1107 = Shred it
1012 = Compress
33814 = Help
1 = Close
This_Is_Not_DESX_file = \n\nThis is not a DESX encrypted file
Browsing_Please_wait = Browsing... Wait please
The_passwords_must_be_equivalent = Your passwords must be equivalent!
Specify_The_password_please = Specify the password please
Cant_encrypt_this = Can't encrypt %s. Source file has been left alone
File_was_encrypted = "\n\nFile %s has been successfully encrypted to %s "
Cant_delete = Can't delete %s
and_successfully_deleted = and successfully deleted
cant_demolite = Can't demolite %s.
and_successfully_demolited = and successfully shredded
Please_specify_another_decrypted_file = Specify another name of decrypted file, please
File_X_is_existing_overwrite = \nFile %s is already exists. Overwrite this?
Cant_decrypt_this = Can't decrypt %s. Source file has been left alone
File_x_decrypted_to_y = "\n\nFile %s has been successfully decrypted to %s "
Riddle_for_encrypted = Riddle for password:\n\n\n%s
File_x_deleted = \n\nFile %s has been successfully deleted
File_x_demolited = \n\nFile %s has been successfully shredded
reg_code_incorrect = You've entered an incorrect activation code
reg_code_correct = Dear %s!. Thank you very much for support! Please restart program
password_is_restricted = Your password is restricted by 3 characters in this unregistered software
disabled_feature = This feature is disabled in the unregistered version
title = Choose template
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
you_must_specify_type = You must specify the type of new document!
title = Choose icon...
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = Case
1043 = Big first letter
1045 = all letters are small
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = Document password
1217 = Password
1012 = Use Password
1133 = Password:
1182 = Again:
1162 = Riddle
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
Specify_password_please = Enter password please!
passwords_arent_equal = Your second password must match the first password!
too_long_password = Your password is too long! The password is restricted by 3 symbols in this unregistered version.
title = Memoirs password
1218 = Enter this document's password
1219 = Password:
1111 = Riddle:
1064 = E&xit
1066 = Tray
1065 = Ignore
1 = OK
1220 = DES 128 bit encryption used
title = Create folder
1043 = Standard folder
1044 = Tree folder
1079 = Autocalendar tree folder
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = Insert picture file
1179 = Enter the picture filename to be inserted into the document (*.bmp, *.jpg, *.gif)
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
33091 = Help
cant_open_this = Can't open this file
cant_copy = Can't copy this file to c:\
title = Find text...
1221 = Text:
1227 = Where to find?
1195 = In all folders
1044 = In all folders from current leaf/shortcut
1045 = In current folder only
1046 = In current folder from curr. leaf/shortcut
1047 = Local search
1228 = What to find?
1193 = Whole word only
1194 = Sub-string
1229 = Hint: Press F3 key to find again
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = Paragraph
33000 = Indentation
1221 = Left:
1227 = Right:
1228 = First line:
33005 = Alignment
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
left = left
right = right
center = center
title = Open file
1221 = Document
1227 = Folder:
1228 = File:
1010 = Browse...
1 = OK
5927 = Cancel
title = Select Date/Time format
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = New Document
1217 = File
1167 = Folder:
1168 = File:
1008 = Browse...
1218 = Security
1012 = Password
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
Select_folder = Select folder, please
title = Document not found!
1221 = Document does not exist
1040 = Create new
1041 = Open existing document
1 = OK
2 = Cancel
title = Options
1216 = Make your selection
1135 = Fonts
1141 = Customize fonts for editor, default font, etc